Be original. Be yourself.

Two of my most favorite things in the world just happen to be music and you guest it photography.  

It constantly surprises me how music from all genres are intertwined, sharing many musical aspects. While at the same time would appear to be different. Indeed some songs have the same lyrics or melody but to the listener they come across as totally original. When I talk about music I mean real music, pre-fast, instantly forgettable noise. Oh that's it I said it. Today's music is mostly not to my taste. There's been many great songs and music recorded by incredibly talented musicians. This is only scratching the surface in regards to music production, something I'm refraining from going deep into here. This photographer isn't an expert. One thing to pay attention to is the ability to play music live. I'm talking about cover bands or tribute bands. I've seen unsigned bands playing original music and music by world famous artists to levels of musicianship that is surely world class. I know what you're thinking, what has this got to do with photography? Well everything, let me explain.  
There are people out in the great world who run with ideas and ideology I feel isn't totally correct. We as creators should hold appinions or what would be the point? However not to an extent as to stiffell or sabotage growth. You see, on occasions it has been said one shouldn't copy someone else's photography. Yeah, don't copy or reproduce another's work. I get it to be original and that's easier said than done. Let's go back a little, to the bands playing music by for example The Beatles in a local bar. No one would be eager to express their disapproval, by shouting out, play some original stuff. So why is there some circumstances in photography that villainize reproduction of photographs? The whole process is a deconstruction, trying to find how the picture was lit and put together. Moreover the very process always results in a valuable learning curve. Isn't it similar to the bands learning from records then reproducing, as I reproduce light, posture and composition. Perhaps the concept of being original doesn't exist, I'm not convinced it is possible anymore. Then again originally may depend on your ordinance. The viewers of your photography. Afterall it is people looking at work who will decide. If that's important. Again I feel this discussion has begun to move into a muddy area. To do with value and it is a rabbit hole. To sum up, in my opinion, to reproduce a photograph by a famous photographer is more than fine. With one tag line don't claim it to be your idea. Goes without saying. To create is divine, to reproduce is human. Manray.